You are invited to register for:
Annual Wine Tasting Event and Quiz
Julia Trustram Eve
Tuesday 10 December 2019, 6pm for 6.30pm start,
Venue: The Court Room, St Andrew Holborn, entrance on St Andrew Street, London EC4A 3AF
Tweet about this event using #lcecEvents #lcecWT
We are delighted that the ever popular LCEC wine tasting and quiz will be hosted and compered by Julia Trustram Eve, the Marketing Director of WineGB. She will lead us through a superb selection of wines and test our skills and knowledge with some blind tastings.
There will be cheese and biscuits to complement the wines.
For this event we shall be returning to the Court Room at St Andrew Holborn which is conveniently located close to Farringdon, Chancery Lane and Blackfriars Stations.
The evening will start at 6pm with some time for networking, followed by the wine tasting, which will start at 6.30pm and conclude around 8.30pm
The event is free to members, but a £20.00 deposit will be charged on booking. This will be refunded for those who attend. Non-members are also welcome, tickets for whom are available at a cost of £30.00.
Please note that this event is now fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list for any cancellations then please continue with Registration and select the option for the waiting list.
Please book early to avoid disappointment. Tickets numbers are strictly limited. Make your booking as either a LCEC Member or a Non-Member.
The Court Room has disabled access, please let us know if you will be attending and need any assistance regarding the logistics of the Club.
Cancellations will not be allowed less than 24 hours before the event, but substitutions can be made at any time.